The Boehle's

The Boehle's

Monday, March 8, 2010

February review

No that is it March let me bring you up to speed on what happened in Feb.,
*My Grandma turned 90 Feb 2nd, we had a card shower for her as her health was in question.
Feb 9th my Grandma passed away peacefully. Although we were all saddened by the event we are thankful that she did not have to suffer a lengthy death. As we shared our sorrow we got to see extended family.
We got snowed in an extra day at my parents which allowed Grandma and Grandpa to have some extra time with the boys. Monday we headed home~CAREFULLY! We made it in 3 hours (twice the amount it usually takes).

The same week that Grandma passed away Dave's sister Monica came to live with us on bed rest. After being in the hospital twice, in one week, they decided that being in Sioux City versus Wayne was probably better. Monica spent her days laying down and playing games and puzzles with the boys, Justin did his farming during the day and came at night to get the boys all excited right before bed, (soon it will by our turn to do that to them). They stayed with us for three weeks, giving us a taste of what our grocery bill is going to be like when the boys get older.

Through it all we have finished basketball~Brayden did a GREAT job and is moving on to soccer~and have become a family of four again!

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