The Boehle's

The Boehle's

Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I know this week will be crazy so thought I better post now! Travel safe and enjoy all your time with family and friends! Please share with your families our Christmas wishes!

Here are our photos from our trip to visit Santa! You will see they are each holding their letters and lists, if only you could read them, we dictated exactly what they told us to write! Some laughs will come about when the time comes to reread them!

Tristen was so excited to see Santa until it was his turn~it actually went way better then expected! Santa asked if we had been good and Tristen's response was, "a little bit!" The truth be told!
Enjoy the holiday season!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Where does the time go?

After a much enjoyable Thanksgiving with traveling, cousins, and way too much food the time is flying by!!! I don't know where everyday goes but my to do list is long and seems to be getting longer each day!

We enjoyed Brayden's Christmas program with both sets of Grandparents and Great Grandma Boehle, followed by dessert (Mint Grasshopper pie~B's special request). Dave headed to MN later last week for one day of training and 9 hrs of drive time! I was thankful for two nights of playgroup activities to help break up my day.

This weekend we finally got Christmas trees up and decorated along with family pictures taken. You know its time to do that again when your 2nd child is wearing the shirt that the 1st one had on in the last family picture! The boys did a great job and we were very pleased with Portrait Innovations.

This week we are bracing for what could be a large amount of snow! I am sure that will mean some snow football, baking cookies and scooping.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Here are the pictures that I promised weeks ago!

Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 13, 2009

A little behind!

Okay so I really don't have any reason for not updating my blog except that life is crazy and Dave and I tried to steal some time for ourselves. Here are the last few weeks in a nutshell!

Halloween came and went! We went with Brayden's class to the Pumpkin Patch (10/28) our third attempt was finally successful! I helped plan the Halloween party, was not able to attend. We had the Fall Festival at school (10/30). A very nice time for the kids to play games and have fun inside!

Halloween started with trying to convince Tristen that in order to trick-or-treat he had to wear a costume. The costume never happened for the playgroup Halloween party but with much struggle we managed for trick-or-treating. We stayed out WAY to long!!

11/1 we headed to Plattsmouth to see our newest niece be baptized! Eleanor June was baptized, spoiled and enjoyed by all! The boys had a great time playing with all the cousins (never enough time!)

The weekend of 11/6 the boys headed to Wayne for two days of FUN with Papa and Nana! They had coffee with Papa at work, checked out story time at the library, had a picnic in the park and spent much time being enjoyed! Dave and I spent the weekend doing things that we rarely do~going to movies, sleeping in, and SHOPPING! I can truly say that we have about 90% of our holiday shopping done!

Check back for some pictures~hopefully I will get those posted this weekend!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weekend Fun

With the cool fall weather we spent most of our weekend inside. What a better thing to do then carve pumpkins. Here are the finally products!

After a week of wet weather today was sunny!!! Yeah! We took advantage of the great day, raked up our only leaves and enjoyed them!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

mini pumpkin patch

We had to take advantage of our great weather on Sunday so we visited a "mini" pumpkin patch in town. Enjoy the pictures!

Brayden (5) Tristen (2 1/2)

Even Dad got into it!

Brayden in the hay maze

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So crazy!!!

So much has happened in the last week that I am sure I will forget something!
Last Thursday the boys and I headed to Wahoo for a cousin playdate on Friday. It worked out that everyone (all 9 of them) was able to make it to Grandma's for the day. The day was spent running around like maniacs, eating all of Grandma's food, playing Legos, and "Bride and Beauty." We even managed to get a picture of all of them without tears!!

Saturday morning we woke up to 1" plus of snow! Needless to say the boys were more than ready to go play in it. After breaking the news to them that I did not have snow clothes nor did we have time to play they decided going to Aunt Mary's was 2nd best! Dave's parents met us at my parents and we all headed to Lincoln. The girls were shopping for Mary's wedding dress and the boys were spending the day with Andy and Papa! After much shopping and a trip to Omaha we decided that we need one more day before Mary was sure she had found "the one."

We all crashed at Mary's Saturday night and took part in some Oktoberfest beer tasting. Sunday was church, lunch and headed for home so that Dave could get ready for his drive to Minneapolis. After switching cars and repacking he was back on the road for the drive and three days of training.

My parents arrived late Monday night and we have had yet another crazy week!

Monday, October 5, 2009

What a week!

Boy was last week CRAZY!! It started with Brayden having Monday off~how I have already forgotten what it is like to have them both home all day! They enjoyed playing together and we even stuck a trip to the library in.
Tuesday was back to school and playgroup for us! By the time the night had rolled around I was ready for a break! That never happened, by the time the boys and I had walked around the block Dave was home from work and in bed! He stayed there until he made it to work on Friday morning! Thank goodness he is feeling better! It was definantly not easy to keep the boys semi-quiet and occupied, knowing that Dad was home. They just wanted him to play!
Tristen has surprised us all with his 2 yr molar~maybe that was part of the resaon he wasn't sleeping and was SUPER crabby last week too!
Saturday came and it was my turn for a day out! Six of us moms from playgroup headed to Omaha for a day set aside to consignment shopping! We hit up the BIG Reruns sale, and two more shops before deciding that it was time to visit a couple "regular" shops! My average day turned out to be longer then expected~I need to assist a friend with some retail-therapy (her husband just deployed for a month). We finally returned home about 7:30 pm, and Dave was happy to see me!
Sunday we hit a late church service and spent the day mowing, and reorganizing and getting rid of toys in the basement! Another crazy week has already begun!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Our weekend

Our weekend started out with a trip to the Heelan homecoming game! Brayden and Tristen were so excited to go! Tristen cheered for the opponents (the white team) the whole game. Brayden was most excited to see a few of his classmates. Heelan won big 35-7.

Saturday morning Dave had to work so the boys and I hung out at home. Saturday night Dave and I attended a surprise 40th birthday party for our neighbor. She was completely surprised and we had a great time. The boys got to have a new babysitter and they enjoyed her very much. It's nice to finally have a choice in sitters. We will definantly be calling her more.

The highlight of out night was meeting some "famous" people. We met the majority of the newcasters from a local TV station~KTIV CH 4 and a world champion thumb wrestler! Exciting, I know.

Sunday was so windy~40+mph gusts~that we spent the majority of the day in the house!

Brayden has Monday off from school. We have flu shots scheduled and a trip to the library!

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Give it a try!

I thought that I might give this a try. Can't promise how often I will update it but thought it might help us stay in touch a little better with family and friends.