The Boehle's

The Boehle's

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On the move

We loaded two Uhauls and sent them with Dave and his sister and brother in law to Lincoln on Sunday! The boys and I have managed sleeping on the floor, watching TV on the floor, eating on the floor and are looking forward to beds and couches tomorrow! My dad is coming up to help load the rest of our stuff and then we are heading to NEBRASKA! We have been in Iowa just 5 days short of 4 years. With a new year comes a new town, new house (we hope soon), new schools and new friends. Wish us luck!!!

I will try to post about our happening while living with Gma and Gpa but, no promises! I will definantly let you all know when we are back as one family under one roof in our Lincoln apartment.

From the Boehle's to all our friends and family, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Quick Update

Just wanted to let everyone know a few details of our lives. We have successfully managed 6 wks of separation. Dave has been living in Lincoln during the week with his sister and her new husband (way to start a marriage) We are SOOOO thankful for all that they have put up with!! Thanks Mary and Andy~how will we ever repay you? I have adjusted to getting up earlier and have managed breakfast, which has always been Dad's job, only one day that Brayden really wished Dad had made his bacon! My parents have made many trips and their basement has become our own personal storage unit~THANKS Mom and Dad!

We will be loading the moving truck this weekend, the boys and I will stay until Wed. after Brayden is done with school and then move in with my parents for Christmas vacation. Come Jan. 4 we will have our family back together~YEAH!!!! We will move into an apt. Jan 4 until we find a house~hopefully soon!

We hope you all have a Very MERRY CHRISTMAS! I will do my best to keep you posted on all our changes!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is where my time has gone....

Let me bring you up to speed on what has happened since my last post~Brayden started 1st grade, Tristen started preschool, Brayden turned 6, Dave lost one job, Dave hung out at home for a few weeks, Dave found another job, we listed or house and sold it within 10 days, we celebrated Halloween, have been house hunting in Lincoln, Dave has started a job with Bank of the West and not to mention everything else that happens in the "normal" day to day life of the Boehle's!

So after reading the above let me give you some details, the boys LOVE school and are not looking forward to moving! Brayden is reading above where he should be, now if we can just get him to slow down and follow directions as well!

Tristen is amazing me with all the Bible stories he can recite! I really could have used him when I was subbing and teaching about Abraham and Lot!

Dave has accepted a job with Bank of the West in Lincoln! He has been doing training in South Sioux this week and will head to Lincoln on Monday.

We have sold our house in Sioux City! The boys and I will stay until the end of the semester and hopefully by then we will find a house to move into in Lincoln.

We are thankful for all the new adventures coming our way! We are looking forward to being closer to some of our family.

Now the dreaded chore of packing the WHOLE house! Wish me luck!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wedding boys

I am having trouble uploading pictures today so start with these! Here are Brayden (almost 6) and Tristen (3 1/2) at Mary and Andy's wedding!

We had a great time and the boys did just fine! I will try to share more later~no promises!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Long week trip!

We are heading out of town tomorrow for an extended trip prior to the wedding. We will hit up the zoo Wed., head to may parents do their fair and carnival Thursday, get to Lincoln in time for pedicures and picking up tuxes on Friday, then rehearsel and Saturday is a whole day of events leading up to Mary and Andy's wedding!

Hopefully I will get some good pictures to share! Check back later next week!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Quick Update

Just a quick note to let you know that our lives have been crazy!! We found out that as of Sept. Dave will no longer have a job due to the closure of Wells Fargo Financial. He has begun the job hunt but nothing yet. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

The boys and I spent 4 fun filled days at my parents. We enjoyed some great trips fishing and adventures with the cousins! (I am waiting for pictures from my sister so I can post them!)

We are in our last week of swim lessons, then it is off to Dave's parents for the boys. We will finish July with an extended trip to Omaha,, Wahoo and the big finale will be the wedding of Dave's youngest sister on July 31st in Lincoln. Looking forward to two busy weeks!

Enjoy this belated picture of the boys from the 4th~they made their shirts with our playgroup!

Friday, July 2, 2010

summer fun!

This maybe one of the best photos we have taken of the boys for a long time! Thought I should share.

Brayden played Little League this summer. After six weeks of games twice a week we are glad to have a break! He had a great time, wonderful coaches and learned A LOT!!

They finished the year with dads playing the boys, they also let all of the younger siblings hit and run. Needless to say Tristen thought we was on top of the world!

Sorry about the pictures of Tristen (don't have time to figure out how to rotate them!)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another month, another addition, another year

It is only March 14th and what a month it has been!

On March 4 at 11:15pm we gained another boy in our extended family. Monica (Dave's sister) and Justin welcomed James Randall into their family. I don't have any pictures to share because Tristen has had RSV, pneumonia and ear infection, and now I think I have it. We have only seen him in pictures. Hopefully I will get some at Easter to share with all of you.

March 9th Tristen turned 3! Can't believe it has been already three years!! He LOVES basketball, hide-and -seek, Duplos and anything Brayden has. We celebrated his birthday with the Boehle's on the 6th, minus a few that were tending to the newest addition. On Tristen's actual birthday he was SPOILED by his Dad!!! Dad spent the day at home with us, took him shopping and out to lunch, napped, open presents, went out for supper, took in his Preschool Open House, and topped the night off with a trip to Coldstone! What else do you need when you are 3?

March 15th, David will turn 30!!! He thinks birthday's at "our age" should be no big deal, although he keeps trying to get the boys to tell him his gifts! We will enjoy a few special treats on his day!

PROMISE to post pictures after I upload them later today!

Monday, March 8, 2010

February review

No that is it March let me bring you up to speed on what happened in Feb.,
*My Grandma turned 90 Feb 2nd, we had a card shower for her as her health was in question.
Feb 9th my Grandma passed away peacefully. Although we were all saddened by the event we are thankful that she did not have to suffer a lengthy death. As we shared our sorrow we got to see extended family.
We got snowed in an extra day at my parents which allowed Grandma and Grandpa to have some extra time with the boys. Monday we headed home~CAREFULLY! We made it in 3 hours (twice the amount it usually takes).

The same week that Grandma passed away Dave's sister Monica came to live with us on bed rest. After being in the hospital twice, in one week, they decided that being in Sioux City versus Wayne was probably better. Monica spent her days laying down and playing games and puzzles with the boys, Justin did his farming during the day and came at night to get the boys all excited right before bed, (soon it will by our turn to do that to them). They stayed with us for three weeks, giving us a taste of what our grocery bill is going to be like when the boys get older.

Through it all we have finished basketball~Brayden did a GREAT job and is moving on to soccer~and have become a family of four again!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lost in a new year!

SORRY! I really haven't forgotten about this blog I just don't know where my time goes! A quick update and I will try to do better!

Christmas was very low key~snowed in! We did manage to have a playdate with the neighbors. Made it to Wahoo for Svoboda Christmas after driving through drifts semi truck high! We had a great time!

Who goes to the zoo in December??? US!!! We managed to take in all of the inside stuff, which we usually skip! The boys had a GREAT time.

Boehle Christmas was great too! Less hectic, more food and a plastic candle! (I'll post a picture later)

Brayden has started basketball, and Tristen wishes he was 4 so he could play too!

We are paying close attention to the health of my Grandmother, she will be 90 on Feb 2nd. They have decided to move her to Hospice care . We made an extra trip to Wahoo this weekend to see her!

Promise to upload some pictures soon!